Monday, December 2, 2013

Stairways to Heaven - in Quito

Stairways to Heaven~Quito

When on foot, it’s hard – maybe even IMPOSSIBLE- to walk any distance in the city of Quito without interacting with stairways.  Okay, that's a stretch.  They can be avoided by walking further or hailing a cab.  But if a person enjoys surprises; likes walking away from traffic; or wants more of a workout; TAKE THE STEPS!
Here in the barrio of Guapulo, the multitude of stairways are a daily reality.
Some are adorned with graffiti, some are festooned with wild, blossoming plants, some are crumbled and eroded; most become ‘water features’ during afternoon downpours….

ALL are steep, ALL have irregular tread heights, ALL improve health and fitness, ALL are interesting~

 The daily grind:  This picture and the one below, show only 1/3 of the 253 steps from our casita to the street above. Like roads, stairways have gutters and drainage ditches.

Picture below is looking down into Guapulo and the way home for us.

 Hillsides are so steep, it's very common for slides to go over the stairway, where the debris remains for ?????
Can you see the faces of the  "Guardians of the Stairway"?

(L) These steps are so steep and long, it's not possible to get a pic of the entire length.  Students use these daily, walking to and from school in their uniforms.

Climbing the metal steps of the Basilica del Voto Nacional.  Could we do this  in the USA??

Discovering new routes via Stairway Shortcuts makes each and every day in this incredible city an aventura nueva!!

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