Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween or Los Dias los Disfuntos?

Halloween or El Dia de los Disfuntos?

In Ecuador We're preparing for a "Halloween" of a different variety.  All schools are strictly forbidden to celebrate Halloween (Catholic influence is alive and well here) - Instead, it's "el dia de los Disfuntos" on Nov 2nd, when families will take guagua de pan (in photo above) to the cemeteries to 'feast' with the dearly departed.  

According to Ecuadorian indigenous beliefs, the dead don't "die" but move into another life, and communication between them and the living is possible.  The 'instruments' that facilitate such communication include homemade bread and 'el champus'; which is a beverage made of corn flour, panela and lemon leaves. These are the origins of what is known today as Colada Morada, a purple drink made of various types of fruit. 

We'll be visiting this cemetery in Guapulo on Saturday, and if we're lucky, perhaps we'll have access to a long-standing Andean custom.  

1 comment:

  1. Correction by author: The correct spelling is: El dia de los difuntos.
